Hello style bingers! This is my first beauty post and its on the subject of hair. I had my big chop 5 months ago and even though i have loved going back to my nappy roots, Its not all daisies and sunflowers. Sometimes I wonder when people say they haven't regretted a day of chopping of their long relaxed locks. Maybe its because I'm an indecisive person that does not like to stay on one style for too long. Cutting my hair was one of the most impulsive decisions I've ever made given the very rational being that I am.
So today I've decided to do what i normally do before making big decisions i.e weigh my options. Using a pros and cons list, I would document my naptural hair journey but first of all my pre-natural hair journey in pictures (that i could find)
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REAL-LAXED HAIR! asides from middle picture
1) I hate full on weaves so I have to worry about straightening my hair every day and heat is bad for the real hair.
2) I have missed packing my hair in a pony tail :(
3) African hair is tough yo! Every salon appointment is a hassle... literally
4) Versatility. Natural hair has fewer hairstyles
1) The Texture!!! Even my mum can't resist touching my hair. My hand is constantly in my hair.
2) My hair feels loved like never before. Its like I have a connection to it. sigh :)
3) Its mine MINE mine. i mean my relaxed hair was mine but there was nothing special about it. I'm actually very proud of it in all its nappy goodness. hahaa!
I could have sworn I had more pros.. Lol but even with the fewer pros. The still trump over the cons. I've had days I thought I was going to relax my hair and get it over with but I'm too into this new texture and feel. I can't speak for the future me but what I know is whatever hair I would be rocking, Natural or Relaxed, so far i love it and its beautiful. That's all that counts!!
cool...i can relate to that with India Arie's- I am not my hair..
Once you know what product and process works for you, natural hair can be easy breezy
Really nice post, and you're so right about the touchable texture of natural hair. I get to experience it with my new growth between salon appointments... you look lovely in all the pics.
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