Sunday, February 26, 2012

Two Decades

Hello beautiful people. I have to tell you this, blogging in Nigeria takes a lot of determination. Doing this right here has taken me over six hours (no jokes) but I just had to since I've not posted for a while.
So, My birthday was on the 6th of this month and i had a lunch which turned out to be a dinner at cactus. It started out as a disaster; Four points not confirming my reservation, Hellish traffic, last minute cancellations but all in all I had tons of fun with my girl pals.
Warning! There is going to be an overload of pictures in this post at least for my posting style.
As the title states I've now reached two decades in my habitation on planet earth but don't let the age fool you, I'm an old soul!
Growth is a beautiful thing, when i was younger i thought old age was the worst! The wrinkles, grey hair, teeth loss scared a whole lot out of me but now I can't help but smile when i see happy looking old folks. I guess when you have lived your life fully and meaningfuly at that, you don't need to worry at that age. All you need to do is smile and chill (Told you i was an old soul... smh). So here is to the many years God allows us till his coming!


LAMILOLY said...

you finally put up pictures, you all look gorg! and yeah you are an old soul

Chi said...

beautiful pictures, lovely cake and friends too! Happy belated birthday to you, first time on your blog but love reading already :=)

Bibi said...

Thanks girls!

m said...

Happy birthday. Determination, lol. Lagos traffic is crazy. Look forward to your Arise pictures!