I have no idea where this urge came from but lately I've felt the need to cook, sew and get my hands on. If you know me, I'm the type that does not mind a whole day in bed watching TV shows.... well "was" the type. i cannot lie it is really amazing. i find myself watching food network and actually enjoying it, searching for food recipes on about.com. My cousin calls it housewife behavior which i beg to differ. Anyways, today was my lil brothers birthday and he was having a few friends over. Opportunity for me to whip out my spatula. I made cupcakes and donuts and stir fry chicken sauce for rice. I have no pictures of the sauce cuz the sauce had already been devoured before i could get my cam.... Yes it was that good.. lol

They didn't exactly come out exactly as i planned. That's the thing about baking, once u skip a step or miss a measurement, it could could bring a completely different turn out. The donuts came out tasting like a cross between buns and cookies, the icing was way too watery so it could not hold a particular design then the baking tin was bigger than the paper cases which brought about the mis-shaped cupcakes. I get an A for effort tight. Anyways, I'm not a quitter, I will keep trying till i get it right and once i do, i would give a full fledged tutorial.
My mum had another cake for those who don't like to experiment with their taste buds. I love birthday cakes, even when i don't celebrate my birthday, i always make sure i have one. Here's the one i had on my last birthday
Its the black forest cake but i had mine made with milk chocolate instead of black chocolate. Here are some random pictures of pretty cakes... I'm all about the prettiness of the cake almost even more than the taste
I think it it could have been bigger
I specially love red accents on an all white or off white background cake |
If you are a cake fanatic, you should catch Food networks cake off baking competition.